Denominational Members
African Methodist Episcopal Church
Third Episcopal District (AME)
112 Jefferson Ave., #5, Columbus, OH 43215
National Website: www.ame-church.com
Judicatory Website: www.ame3.org
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Mid-Atlantic One District (AMEZ)
9500 Arena Dr., Suite 102, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774-3703
National Website: https://amez.org
Judicatory Website: www.amezma.org
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Second Episcopal District (CME)
PO Box 36455, Cincinnati, OH 45236
National Website: www.thecmechurch.org
Judicatory Website: www.secondepiscopaldistrict.org
Church of the Brethren
Northern Ohio District (BRETH N)
1107 E. Main St., Ashland, OH 44805- 2806
National Website: www.brethern.org
Judicatory Website: www.nohcob.org
Episcopal Church - Diocese of Southern Ohio (EPIS-SO)
412 Sycamore St. Cincinnati, OH 45202-4110
National Website: https://www.episcopalchurch.org/
Judicatory Website: www.diosohio.org
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Northeastern Ohio Synod (ELCA-NE)
Mission and Ministry Center
1890 Bailey Rd. Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221-5259
National Website:www.elca.org
Judicatory Website: www.neos-elca.org
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Southern Ohio Synod (ELCA-SO)
300 S. 2nd St. Columbus, OH 43215-5001
National Website: www.elca.org
Judicatory Website: www.southernohiosynod.org
Greek Orthodox Church-Archdiocese of America
Metropolis of Pittsburgh (GR ORTH-P)
5201 Ellsworth Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15232-1421
National Website: www.goarch.org
Judicatory Website: www.Pittsburgh.goarch.org
Ohio Baptist General Convention (OBGC)
1380 S. Roosevelt, Columbus, OH 43209
Judicatory Website: www.obgc1896.org
Religious Society of Friends
Wilmington Yearly Meeting (RSF-Wil)
1870 Quaker Way, Pyle Center Box 1194,
Wilmington, OH 45177-4194
National Website: www.quaker.org
Judicatory Website: www.wilmingtonyearlymeeting.org
United Methodist Church
East Ohio Conference (UMC-EO)
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2800, North Canton, OH 44720
Location Address: 8800 Cleveland Ave. NW,
North Canton, OH 44720
National Website: www.umc.org
Judicatory Website: www.eocumc.com
Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio
PO Box 980, Worthington OH 43085
National Website: https://www.uua.org/
Judicatory Website: https://uujo.org/
Alliance of Baptists - Ohio Community
AOB National Office:
3939 Lavista Blvd., Suite E-122, Tucker, GA 30084
National Website: www.allianceofbaptists.org
Christian Church in Ohio
(Disciples of Christ - DOC)
National Website: www.disciples.org
Judicatory Website: www.ccinoh.org
Christian Science (CHR Sci)
Committee on Publication for Ohio
PO Box 281, Powell, OH 43065
National Website: www.christianscience.com
Judicatory Website: www.christiansciencecolumbus.com
Church of the Brethren
Southern Ohio District (BRETH S)
PO Box 785, Greenville, OH 45331
National Website: www.brethren.org
Judicatory Website: www.sodcob.org
The Episcopal Diocese of Ohio (EPIS-OH)
2230 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, OH 44115-2405
National Website: https://www.episcopalchurch.org/
Judicatory Website: www.dohio.org
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Northwestern Ohio Synod (ELCA-NW)
621 Bright Rd. Findlay, OH 45840-6940
National Website: www.elca.org
Judicatory Website: www.nwos-elca.org
Greek Orthodox Church - Archdiocese of America
Metropolis of Detroit (GR ORTH-D)
2560 Crooks Rd. Troy, MI 48084-4703
National Website: www.goarch.org
Judicatory Website: www.detroit.goarch.org
Moravian Church in America
Eastern District of the Northern Province (MOR)
P.O. Box 1245, Bethlehem, PA 18016-1245
National Website: www.moravian.org
Judicatory Website: www.mcnp.org
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Synod of the Covenant (PRES-COV)
6450 Weatherfield Court, Unit 1A, Maumee, OH 43537
National Website: www.pcusa.org
Judicatory Website: www.synodofthecovenant.org
United Church of Christ
Heartland Conference (UCC)
National Website: www.ucc.org
Judicatory Website: www.heartlanducc.org
United Methodist Church
West Ohio Conference (UMWO)
32 Wesley Blvd. Worthington, OH 43085-3585
National Website: www.umc.org
Judicatory Website: www.westohioumc.org